Category : Past Events

On Friday, November 20, I’m back to DeAnza College Planetarium! I’ll perform two shows based around the theme of Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday for family, warmth, and food. I’ve taken on the challenge of celebrating this time of year with my artwork. It’s not easy! The holiday is not defined by icons and marketing ploys […]

I had a great time in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as guest of El Planetario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. I performed 10 shows there in a whirlwind weekend. The date fell on and around the end of October, so I performed a Halloween-themed show. The holiday is not widely celebrated in Argentina, but people know it, so […]

Zerynthia will be featured as part of Open Studios Altadena on December 5-6, 2015 at HalfCity Productions, 333 Marathon Rd., Altadena, CA Zerynthia is a world of wonder and mystery. I’ve begun to create and document this world with an installation piece. The viewer sees the world in 3D as though looking through a picture window into […]

I’m back to Silicon Valley for a series of shows under the dome! On October 16, I’ll be performing a Halloween show. Robots, aliens, giant spiders! Classic sci-fi themes to celebrate the spookiest time of year! This is a world premiere! Showtimes are 7:00pm and 8:30pm Click here for tickets

I’ll be performing at the amazing Fiske Planetarium on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, August 7,8, and 15. This is a new theater, one of the few in the world to have the highest resolution fulldome digital video system. The projected video has an 8K pixel diameter, which means I’ll be running my system […]

I’ve got West Coast and East Coast VR shows this April. Each show is in spectacular fulldome theaters! April 4, De Anza College, Cupertino, California April 21, Boston Museum of Science, Boston, MAP lease note that the April 18 shows in Long Island have been cancelled.

April 21, 2015 I’m excited to be going back to Boston for an evening of new VR experiences. It’s been two years since my last visit, which is too long! Come see my new work, including a tribute to Tangerine Dream! One show only at 6:30pm Click here for tickets:

I’ll be back at De Anza College’s Fujitsu Planetarium for two shows April 4, 2015. You’ll see some brand new material, including a tribute to Tangerine Dream. Tickets are available here: 6:30 pm show 8:30 pm show

Vanderbilt Planetarium The new year of 2015 will find me in Centerport, NY to perform two shows at this recently renovated theater. I’m planning to have fun and create a varied program for each performance! January 3, 2015 Showtimes at 5:30pm and 8:00pm. Here’s the site to buy tickets.

Live immersive 3D performances in Groningen, Netherlands! I’m revving up for a multi-day event in 3D at the futuristic new planetarium in Groningen, Netherlands! I’ll be giving a series of performances between August 21 and 31. This is a brand new 3D theater that just opened in June. I plan to make my shows morph from one […]