Tag : ambient

J-Walt and Dean De Benedictis will be appearing on Alien Air Music on Sunday, May 29 at 8:00pm PDT. We’ll be sharing some of our recent collaborations, and talking about our process. We will be streaming this even live on YouTube, with J-Walt supplying some of his recent graphics and photography. Join us live by clicking on the below link!

I’ll be performing at the amazing Fiske Planetarium on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, August 7,8, and 15. This is a new theater, one of the few in the world to have the highest resolution fulldome digital video system. The projected video has an 8K pixel diameter, which means I’ll be running my system […]
Zerynthia is a world of wonder and mystery. Floating wavering creatures, mysterious monoliths, and shuddering trees exist under an iridescent sky. I started exploring this world in 2013, and I continue to discover the mysteries and meanings within.
“Zerynthia” is video installation for experiencing a 3D world. One looks into this world as though through a large picture window. The scenes are inviting and captivating. Visitors linger long and discover aspects of this world that often I had not noticed or planned.
Here’s are images from this work-in-progress, including 3D stereoscopic versions (for red-cyan glasses viewing!)
- A still from the 3D video installation “Zerynthia”
- Scene from “Zerynthia”
- “Hidden Cache” from “Zerynthia”
- 3D Scene from “Zerynthia”
- 3D Scene from “Zerynthia”
- 3D Scene from “Zerynthia”
- “Zerynthia” 3D installation at Young Projects Gallery
Zerynthia was first exhibited at the Young Projects Gallery. It was part of a show that that ran March 19 through May 3, 2013. Update: As of May 6, 2013, I’ve had three sales of this installation. Four more are available. Contact the Young Projects Gallery to purchase this installation.
I’ve exhibited the installation on three occasions in 2015: June, September, and December.

Zerynthia is a world of wonder and mystery. I’ve begun to create and document this world with an installation piece for the Young Projects Gallery. It’s part of a show that opens March 19, 2013, and runs to May 3. Zerynthia is an autocosm, a self-contained world with its own nature. Scenes from this world […]