Tag : collaboration

J-Walt and Dean De Benedictis will be appearing on Alien Air Music on Sunday, May 29 at 8:00pm PDT. We’ll be sharing some of our recent collaborations, and talking about our process. We will be streaming this even live on YouTube, with J-Walt supplying some of his recent graphics and photography. Join us live by clicking on the below link!

Last week, we had an amazing show. I had the pleasure of working with two amazing musicians on this performance. Pianist Robert Thies and flutist Damjan Krajacic had created two albums of their musical collaboration, and I joined them to illustrate their music live. We call the collaboration “Spontaneous Landscapes”, which is both a descriptive title […]

Merry Christmas! Enjoy this series of animated videos my friends and I created and are releasing over 12 days, starting on Christmas Day, 2014. Each video illustrates a verse of the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. J-Walt conceived this project on December 18th, and quickly assembled the team which created designs and animations to […]

Gardens of Illucium. A live audiovisual odyssey, a collaboration between Spontaneous Fantasia and the Hutchins Consort. We performed this ambitious, futuristic work on March 17, 2011. Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, CA. (site) Thursday, March 17, 2011, 7:30pm Adults: $30 Students and seniors: $25 Gardens of Illucium: A live visual and musical performance collaboration between the […]