
Tag : concert



Controlling Space and Time with the Razer Hydra I’ve just recently integrated another interface into my performance system: the Razer Hydra. Unlike my ANITAR, this interface is off-the-shelf. The Hydra is a gaming interface along the lines of the Nintendo Wii, but this one is magnetic. Unlike old-school magnetic interfaces I’ve used in the past, […]

12 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on Hydra!

Spontaneous Fantasia at Folsom Lake College

I’ll be performing at the Three Stages complex of Folsom Lake College, CA. Three performances, March 2,3,4. This will be my first performance in the Sacramento area, so I hope you in the neighborhood can make it! I’ll perform my grand opus The Omnicentric Universe, and a few other pieces.

Amsterdam Museumnacht 2011

Amsterdam Museumnacht 2011

Amsterdam’s Museumnacht is the annual city-wide open house party, when thousands of visitors experience the venerable institutions through the night. I’m honored to be part of this event, being featured at the Artis Planetarium on the night of November 5. This is a beautiful digital planetarium in the center of the city, a great place […]

Warsaw, Poland Performances

Warsaw, Poland Performances

On May 27, 2011, I will be performing virtual reality in Warsaw, Poland at the new planetarium in the Copernicus Science Centre. The facility looks amazing. It’s a brand-new stereoscopic 3D planetarium designed and installed by Sky-Skan. I will be doing 3 performances as part of the ECSITE conference. I have not performed in Europe […]

November 21, Iota Center Performance

November 21, 2010 Showtime is 6pm. An evening of live performance organized by the Iota Center. Michael Scroggins and J-Walt will perform their respective live visuals in the beautiful intimate immersive Glendale planetarium. More info is on the Iota Center website here. (The event has passed, and the info is gone.)

Gardens of Illucium

Gardens of Illucium

Gardens of Illucium. A live audiovisual odyssey, a collaboration between Spontaneous Fantasia and the Hutchins Consort. We performed this ambitious, futuristic work on March 17, 2011. Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, CA. (site) Thursday, March 17, 2011, 7:30pm Adults: $30 Students and seniors: $25 Gardens of Illucium: A live visual and musical performance collaboration between the […]