On May 27, 2011, I will be performing virtual reality in Warsaw, Poland at the new planetarium in the Copernicus Science Centre. The facility looks amazing. It’s a brand-new stereoscopic 3D planetarium designed and installed by Sky-Skan. I will be doing 3 performances as part of the ECSITE conference. I have not performed in Europe since 2008, and this show, including The Omnicentric Universe, has never been seen by a European audience.
It will be so much fun to perform in 3D again. It’s immersive and holographic; all of us in the theater will be living the holodeck dream! By the end of the show, my images will literally pop out of the screen into reality. Yes, I do mean “literally”. (Those of you who have seen my show know what I mean!)
It promises to be a spectacular event!
More info about the Copernicus Science Centre plantetarium is here.
This entry was posted on Sunday, May 15th, 2011 at 4:19 pm
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Tags: animation, autocosm, CG, computer graphics, concert, electronica, fractals, fulldome, graphic fantasy, high-resolution, music, Performance, planetarium, poland, projection, science fiction, stereoscopic, Virtual Reality, Virtual Worlds, VR, world premiere
Posted in: News, Past Events